I thought when I was preparing for my canvaswork module that canvas stitches are bigger so that would mean that they would definitely go quicker. HA!!!!!!! They do not. I am really enjoying this technique though and love mixing the colors-- which is a good thing because the color mixing I think takes as long as the stitching.
This weekend I finished the neck and one side of the sky and put in a bit more greenery. Yesterday "Take Out Tuesday" struck me with a vengeance. I spent the morning (literally the whole morning) picking out. In the afternoon, I started work on the sleeve. If you will notice, the stripes follow the drape of the shoulder and sleeves and present an interesting problem/challenge for the canvas stitches. The horizontal stripes are horizontal Parisian, vertical stripes are vertical Parisian and the diagonal fold is diagonal Parisian. I'm presently working on finishing up the diagonal part before class so Tracy and I can figure out how all these directions are going to meet and follow the shoulder line.
Neck in diagonal ground.
"Take Out Tuesday" in action
Progress at end of Day 5